Pros and Cons of Frequent Ejaculation

Sex is among the most fundamental instincts. Moreover, unlike animals, humans do not have sex merely to reproduce.

For humans, sex is an act of intimacy. It builds relations, boosts mental health, and more. Therefore, it is also suitable for physical and mental health.

Though sex and resulting orgasms and ejaculation are a vital part of male life, it is surprising to see how little research has been done on the subject. There is even no agreement regarding how much sex is good and what frequent ejaculation is.

Some experts say that a month of about 20-21 ejaculations may be called frequent ejaculations. Though that may sound right for most men, but not for young men who may ejaculate multiple times a day and readily ejaculate more than 30 times a day.

Libido or sexual desire depends on testosterone levels and genetics; some men are more active than others. Thus, there are massive individual differences, too[1].

Therefore, it would be correct to say that there is no precise definition of frequent ejaculation, as it would depend on age, hormone levels, and genetics. Nonetheless, for most men ejaculating more than once a day can be called frequent ejaculation.

There is nothing terrible about ejaculation that follows orgasm. On the contrary, it has an incredibly relaxing effect. However, some men may get addicted, and they might ejaculate through sex and masturbation. Thus, for those addicted to ejaculation, one crucial question arises, is it good or bad?

To keep it short, ejaculating too frequently, like more than once a day, may not be very good, but it might not be bad for young men. So, much depends on age and health status.

Pros of frequent ejaculation

Ejaculation follows the orgasm, and some men ejaculate too frequently and even multiple times a day. In some cases, it may be beneficial. So, some of the benefits of frequent ejaculation are;

  • It helps maintain erection and sexual health in many cases. For some men, frequent ejaculation may even help build confidence.
  • It reduces stress and mental tension, relaxes physically and mentally, and may even help improve sleep quality.
  • For some, it may be suitable for hormonal health. For example, it may help boost testosterone levels. While in others living with high testosterone, it may help them keep their testosterone levels in check. Generally, men experience some decline in testosterone levels post-ejaculation.
  • It may help people stay slim, as ejaculation follows extensive sex, in many cases helping burn lots of calories.
  • Interestingly, ejaculation is also suitable for prostate health. It helps normalize the production of pre-ejaculate, improves semen quality, and may have a role in reducing the risk of prostate cancer later in life[2].

So, yes, frequent ejaculation is not necessarily bad. Moreover, it is also an indication of physical well-being to a degree. After all, ill men cannot ejaculate frequently. Only healthy men with a significant interest in sex can ejaculate frequently.

Cons of frequent ejaculation

Frequent ejaculation may not all be that good. As already said, there are individual differences; for some, it may be acceptable, while others may experience its ill effects. So, some of the cons of frequent ejaculation are;

  • It may become addictive. Though a person who ejaculates frequently is already addicted to sexual pleasures, but frequent ejaculation is only going to make things worse.
  • Ejaculation always follows sex or masturbation, and frequent ejaculation may be pretty tiring. Sex or masturbation burns lots of energy, but for some, it may not be something they want.
  • It may cause fatigue. Moreover, this is why some sportsmen have traditionally avoided sex before competitions. In addition, after ejaculation, there is a decline in blood glucose levels, causing sleepiness and a decline in energy levels. Thus, if a person ejaculates too often, he may feel sleepy most of the time[3].
  • It may reduce hormone levels. Though moderate ejaculation is good for boosting testosterone levels, the same cannot be said about frequent ejaculation, and it may somewhat reduce testosterone levels and sexual desire.
  • It may be bad for prostate health. Though masturbation and ejaculation help maintain prostate health, frequent ejaculation may put undue stress on the gland, thus increasing the risk of prostate issues.
  • It may be bad for psychological health. Those who ejaculate too frequently may develop specific physical and mental health issues over time. Though it is not true for all, and lots would depend on the frequency. For example, one or two sexual acts for a young man may still be acceptable. However, ejaculating and masturbating multiple times a day may not be great.

Is frequent ejaculation good or bad?

As already mentioned, it is neither good nor bad, and much depends on the person’s age, sexual health, hormone levels, genetics, and other factors. It also means that there is no hard and fast definition of frequent ejaculation. So what may mean frequent for one may mean infrequent for others?

Generally, if a person feels unwell, fatigued, sleepy due to frequent ejaculation, or has some sexual issues, these are some signs of ejaculating too often.

In most cases, frequently ejaculating, whether through sex or masturbation, would not cause any issues.

However, if a person becomes addicted to ejaculating, it may cause some adverse health effects over the long run.


It is said that moderation is in everything, and everything is in moderation. Furthermore, it seems that the same is true for ejaculation. It is good to ejaculate and experience orgasm. However, getting addicted to it is not a good idea.

Thus, if someone feels that he ejaculates too often, it is a good idea to take a break and practice self-control for the time being. Generally, abstaining from sex or masturbation for a few weeks would be enough to break the habit.


    1. Mascherek A, Reidick MC, Gallinat J, Kühn S. Is Ejaculation Frequency in Men Related to General and Mental Health? Looking Back and Looking Forward. Front Psychol. 2021;12:693121. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.693121
    2. Jian Z, Ye D, Chen Y, Li H, Wang K. Sexual Activity and Risk of Prostate Cancer: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis. J Sex Med. 2018;15(9):1300-1309. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2018.07.004
    3. Stefani L, Galanti G, Padulo J, Bragazzi NL, Maffulli N. Sexual Activity before Sports Competition: A Systematic Review. Front Physiol. 2016;7:246. doi:10.3389/fphys.2016.00246

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