Does Testosterone Increase Penis Size?

Testosterone production increases during puberty, leading to increased penis size. Since puberty occurs at different times in different males, thus sudden increase in penile size also differs.

Nonetheless, in most males, the penis starts growing under the influence of increased testosterone production between 9 to 14. Then, it continues to increase in length and girth for about five years.

In men, testosterone levels reach a peak in their late teens, which means that there is only slight growth in penis size after the age of 18-19 years. Additionally, during this time period, testicles also grow, and sperm production starts. Thus, ejaculation becomes common.

There is no doubt that testosterone is essential for the formation of male sex organs. Since testosterone is necessary for penile growth at a young age, it is logical to ask if using testosterone in adults can increase penis size or not?

Here the answer is complex, as penile growth perhaps depends on many factors. Thus, testosterone may help increase penis size in some instances but not in others. In addition, it is more likely to help adolescents and young adults than older adults.

Normal male penis size

To begin with, you need to know if you really need to enlarge your penis. This is essential to understand as studies show that most men underestimate their penile size, though they might overestimate the penile size of other men.

For example, a survey shows that most men consulting doctors to increase their penile size have normal penis size [1].

For most men, the normal penile size would be 3.4 to 3.7 inches when flaccid and 5.1 to 5.7 when erect. The truth is that there are very few men who are really living with micro-penis.

This is essential to understand, as many methods used to increase penis size may cause more harm than good. Similarly, using testosterone supplements may also cause many ill effects on health, which is why sales of testosterone are strictly controlled.

Does a larger penis really make you better at sex?

Well, not essentially, as sex is much more than just about penis size. Of course, penis size does matter. If a penile size is too small, let’s say if someone has a penis size of just 3 inches when erect, that may be embarrassing and may considerably affect sexual performance.

However, in most cases, penis size is not the problem. Thus, those looking to increase penis size must focus on other areas of improving their relationship with their sexual partners. This may include spending quality time with each other, being more romantic, spending time on foreplay, and learning the art of sex.

Testosterone functions

The reason why doctors are so hesitant to prescribe testosterone to their patients is that they know that it is not just a sex hormone. It has many functions. Testosterone regulates libido, sexual activity, and fertility. But it also increases muscle and bone mass and blood production [2].

Testosterone also has an impact on mood and brain health. For example, it may help fight depression, fatigue, and other mood issues. But then it may also make men more aggressive.

Testosterone may be damaging to cardiovascular health and may also increase the workload of the liver, pancreas, and other organs. In addition, it may cause gynecomastia (abnormal growth of breasts in men), hair fall, and may even stimulate the growth of some cancers.

Thus, testosterone therapy is a double-edged treatment. That is why despite the discovery of hormone almost a century back, it could not become part of the mainline medicine. Instead, doctors would prescribe testosterone sparingly and only in a few conditions.

Does testosterone increase penis size?

Though doctors may not prescribe testosterone readily, issues like hypogonadism (small testicles) and micro-penis (small penis) are some of the problems for which they may prescribe testosterone.

When it comes to small penis size, it appears that testosterone is quite suitable for increasing penis size in teenagers and adolescents. During this period, the body is highly sensitive to testosterone.

Thus, studies show that testosterone can significantly increase penis size in young adults [3]. In such instances, even topical application of testosterone works quite well. Moreover, topical testosterone use is very safe.

However, the same study found that testosterone is not of much help in post-pubertal male subjects [3]. This is not difficult to explain. Testosterone needs the presence of other enzymes to increase penis size. However, in post-pubertal men, those hormones are low. It means that in adults or older men, testosterone is not likely to help much.

Here, though, it is worth understanding that some men may feel an increase in penis size, especially if they are living with low testosterone. Though the real increase in such men would be marginal, but there could be a psychological impact of using testosterone resulting in greater libido, improved physical shape, and higher self-confidence.

All this means that testosterone may have some marginal benefit. But this benefit may only occur in younger adults and those living with low testosterone levels. However, men living with small penis and yet normal testosterone levels are not likely to see any benefit from testosterone.

Final Thoughts

Testosterone is an important hormone for male health. It plays a vital role in penile growth during puberty. Using testosterone in young males may help increase testosterone size.

However, testosterone is not likely to help increase penis size in adult or older men. It is because penile growth also requires other enzymes, and post-pubertal men are deficient in those hormones.

Nonetheless, many men living with low testosterone may experience improved sexual function after testosterone therapy.


  1. Mondaini N, Ponchietti R, Gontero P, et al. Penile length is normal in most men seeking penile lengthening procedures. Int J Impot Res. 2002;14(4):283-286. doi:10.1038/sj.ijir.3900887
  2. Understanding How Testosterone Affects Men. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Published May 14, 2015. Accessed May 27, 2022.
  3. Klugo RC, Cerny JC. Response of micropenis to topical testosterone and gonadotropin. J Urol. 1978;119(5):667-668. doi:10.1016/s0022-5347(17)57584-9

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