What does the UKs largest penis size survey reveal?

For a lot of men, and women too, size does matter. Therefore, the running question always was: What’s the average size? In the UK, a recent study about penis size has revealed a lot of interesting data. The hidden secrets about how big an average English man’s penis really is finally made known.

Studies have shown that men in the UK tend to lie about their real penis size. While it has long been believed that men in the UK are sized 6 inches and above, the survey indicated that the average size is actually 5 inches, not six. And when it comes to circumference, the measurement may vary up to 4 inches when the smallest penis size and the largest one are compared.

The study also revealed the actual location of men with bigger penises. So if you’re wondering where you are likely to meet them, hang out at Stoke on Tent, Leeds, and Manchester. Data showed that the men from these cities tend to grow theirs bigger than the men from any other city in the UK. The rest of the top 10 include Birmingham, Cardiff, Liverpool, Newcastle upon Tyne, Chelmsford, Oxford, and Norwich. It is quite interesting to note is that London didn’t even make it to top 10. And as far as circumference is concerned, the men in Bristol, Oxford, and Leeds tend to have the biggest sizes.

Getting more specific, it was found out that the men of the UK may have a penis that is sized anywhere from 3 inches to as long as 10 inches. About 53% of the population is sized between 5 to 6 inches in length while 21% have theirs longer than six inches. The men whose size is less than 5 inches belong to 26% of the surveyed population. Furthermore, it has been revealed that the average erect penis length is at 5.1 inches while the average erect penis circumference of UK men is at 4.7 inches.

This study was conducted by TheyFit, a custom fit condom brand very popular in the UK. The company came out with the unique FitKit condom measurements using random size codes. TheyFit used purchase data to determine the results of this survey. But unlike most surveys, they didn’t make the rounds asking men about their penis sizes, as that method may offer crude results because many men tend to lie about their size when asked.

average size study

unsure what size
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