Penis Size Chart: What Is The Average?

Here is a fun fact to start with: men tend to over-report their penis size, yet deep inside their minds, they underestimate their penile size. Perhaps most men would like to have a larger penis size.

Men have a widespread misconception that the average penis size is 6 inches. It is because few poorly planned studies have reported such a size. Furthermore, all of these studies were those in which penis size was self-reported, which means over-reporting.

However, there are many studies done by medical specialists in which doctors measured the penile size, and the findings were quite different. For example, studies done by doctors found that the average length of an erect penis is between 5.1 and 5.5 inches (12.95 to 13.97 cm).

The reason for bias is simple, as studies also show that most men wished they had a greater penis size. As a result, even penile lengthening surgery is increasing in demand in the US. However, experts warn that such a surgery could be dangerous and sometimes do more harm than good.

Moreover, most men seeking surgical treatment have an average penis size, and the problem is more psychological.

Is there anything else to know?

Yes, it appears that average penile length is also associated with nationality. People of some ethnic backgrounds seem to have a larger penis than others, though this difference is marginal.

Penis sizes by origin

However, it does not essentially mean that they are better at sex. It is vital to understand that in ethnic groups with larger penile sizes, women also tend to have a larger vagina.

If you want to learn more about how various nationalities compare, you can learn more here at the global data on penile size.

Is there a way to know about anyone’s penile size?

It is difficult as taller men do not essentially have a longer penis. And, shorter men also do not essentially have a shorter penis.

There is simply no correlation between the body’s height and penile size. Ethnic background may be suggestive but would not provide much information. Thus, directly measuring penile length is the only reliable way to know about anyone’s penile size.

There appears to be one way to guess the penile size. Studies show that men with longer noses tend to have a longer penis. This association may not be very strong; nevertheless, some studies show that such association exists.

Typical size of flaccid and erect penis

PercentileFlaccid LengthErect Length
10%7 cm11 cm
20%7.9 cm11.9 cm
30%8.2 cm12.1 cm
40%8.9 cm12.3 cm
50%9 cm13 cm
60%9.3 cm13.2 cm
70%10 cm14 cm
80%10.2 cm14.3 cm
90%11 cm15.2 cm

Typical size of flaccid and erect penis (image source: BJU International)

Does penis size matter?

To keep the answer short, experts believe that not as much as most men think. Average penis size is suitable for most people. Even a marginally small penis is fine. Only an extremely small penis that is below the size of 4 inches may affect sexual performance. However, then very large penis may also adversely affect sexual performance.

Thus, it is always good to have an average-sized penis to keep it simple. Moreover, sexual performance depends on many other factors. For example, how long can a person perform a sexual act?

Therefore, even if a person has a penis larger than average size, it would not provide any edge if a person is living with erectile dysfunction or having a problem with premature ejaculation.

Sex is an art, and a larger brush size does not make a person a better artist. Moreover, like any art form, sexual performance depends on many things. For example, penis size does not play any role in bringing your partner in the mood, inviting one to a romantic dinner, erotic massage, or foreplay. Imagination is the limiting factor in most such things and not the penile size.

Additionally, people fail to realize that there is an emotional side to sex. Humans don’t often have much sex for reproduction, they often have sex for pleasure, but they most often have sex because, for them, it is the culmination of their feelings of love towards someone.

Penis Size Calculators

You can find various penis size calculators online which give statistical insights about your measurements. The most accurate we found calculates not only length and girth percentiles compared to global averages, but also volume calculations with percentile rankings, comparison to women’s ideal preferences for both long-term relationships and one-night stands, and probability calculations for being the biggest/smallest among previous partners.

All this data is based on peer-reviewed scientific data and comprehensive global datasets. You can check it out at this page.

What more has science to say?

There are hundreds of articles on the internet saying that size does matter. So, how can people interpret the results from these findings?

It is vital to understand that most articles on the internet are not scientific studies, thus making any conclusions based on those studies difficult. Nevertheless, one can say a few things like very small penis size, which is below 4 inches, may not be good enough.

However, it would again depend on nationality and other factors. Thus, for southeast Asians, such a penile size may still be good.

Further, studies show that what matters is the kind of relationship one is talking about. For example, if one surveys people living in a long relationship or married for a significant period, penile size matters less as partners are better adapted to each other.

It is not to suggest that sex is less vital in long-term relationships. It is merely to say that long-term partners know better how to compensate for their deficiencies and better satisfy their partners. Moreover, having sex is also a skill that can be mastered with practice.

When people are in a long-term relationship, their bodies also start adapting to each other. Thus, scientific studies show that the female vagina adapts to fit the size of the penis. This may explain why women in a long-term relationship are much less likely to complain about the penile size of their partner. Instead, they are more likely to complain about a lack of romance in a relationship, a partner not paying sufficient attention, failing to understand emotional needs, etc.

However, surveys indicate that penile size matters when not in a serious relationship or during one-night stands. In such instances, women are quite likely to pay significant attention to penile size.

Additionally, penile size may matter when selecting a partner. Men with larger penile sizes are often perceived as healthier, though such a process may even occur subconsciously.

Further, it is also vital to understand that girth size may matter more than the penile length. However, people talk less about the girth size.

To conclude, it appears that most men are pretty concerned about their penile size, though, for women, it seems to be relatively less relevant. That is why men tend to over-report their penis size, and yet many would also like to increase their penile size. Nonetheless, studies show that vital is sexual performance, in which penile length does not always play a central role.

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