The How to Guide for Increasing Pleasure with a Penis Bumper Toy

Sex is something that should be pleasurable for everyone, regardless of their health conditions. While many toys aim to increase pleasure through standard means, there are some on the market that aim to include those who typically abstain due to a less than desirable experience.

Penis bumper toys, which are also known as penis depth limiters, are great tools to be used in the bedroom as a way to increase pleasure and decrease pain. With all of the options available on the market today, there is one for everyone!


If you’ve been having sex and it has been painful, it’s important to ensure that you have communicated this to a medical professional. While sex toys like penis bumpers can help you to have less painful sex, they don’t treat the underlying problem.

Sex shouldn’t be painful for you and if it is, there are many medical resources available to help you. Reach out to your gynecologist or primary care doctor to discuss options!

What IS a Penis Depth Limiter?

ohnutIf you’ve never heard of a penis depth limiter, you’re not alone! Out of all of the sex toys out there, it is one of least well known.

A penis bumper toy is used to eliminate some of the length of the penis or sex toy from going into the vagina or anus. It slides down the shaft of the penis and thus acts as a bumper, stopping penetration once a certain point is reached.

Why Would Anyone Use a Penis Bumper Toy?

To an outsider, the use of this toy may be confusing. Why would you want to eliminate length? But there are so many great reasons why this toy makes sex inclusive and pleasurable for everyone!

Medical conditions like endometriosis, ovarian cysts, complications/healing from vaginoplasty, or even menopause can cause painful sex when the penis penetrates deep into the vaginal canal.

Due to these complications, many individuals who suffer from these conditions refrain from having sex completely to avoid what can range from discomfort to severe pain. For these individuals, something that should be pleasurable is now a painful and often traumatizing experience.

Penis bumper toys help by controlling how much of the penis or sex toy goes into the vagina or anus. This way, the person who is being penetrated is in control of the depth that is reached and they can adjust it to ensure that sex is pleasurable for both parties.

How to Use a Penis Depth Limiter

Using a penis depth limiter or penis bumper toy is extremely simple, but it can be a trial-and-error process at first. If you experience extreme pain from sex, it is best to work on the side of caution and place the toy higher on the penis rather than lower to ensure that you aren’t at risk for a painful experience.

To use a penis bumper, simply slide the bumper down the shaft of the penis or sex toy until it is at the desired location. Different toys will have different instructions to secure the bumper, so be sure to look at your instruction manual for specific instructions.

Options on the Market

There are a few different options on the market for penis bumper toys and at the end of the day, the best toy is the one that matches the needs of you and your partner, or you and your dildo. If you try one and you don’t like it, don’t give up hope because there are many more options out there for you!


OhNut is the most popular penis bumper toy on the market, and for good reason! OhNut bumpers are customizable, ensuring that you have the right fit and the right size every single time.

They come in a linking design, allowing you to adjust depth and stack rings. The most encouraging feature and the reason many people come back to this brand time and time again is because OhNut can be used with condoms AND lube.

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Perfect Fit Bumper Thruster Bumper

PerfectFit Brand The Bumper Thrust Buffer, Clear

The Perfect Fit Bumper Thruster Bumper is a great way to limit the depth of penetration while ensuring a pleasurable experience for all. It is created with Sila Skin, which is a latex-free material that is perfect for those with allergies.

It is held in place by a second hole that holds the testicles of the wearer and multiple can be stacked together to ensure your desired depth. It is important to remember that this product can be used with lubricants but due to the materials that it is constructed with it cannot be used with latex condoms.

Find it here.

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Big O Multi Stage Vibrating Penis Ring

The Big O - The Multi-Stage Reusable Vibrating Ring

Did you know that thicker penis rings can also be used as penis bumpers? If you’re having trouble locating a penis depth limiter that you like or you’re looking to use something you may already have, these are a great option!

This penis ring is fully waterproof and is made from a soft and stretchy phthalate-free jelly. The best news of all is that it vibrates, increasing pleasure for both parties! With 9 levels, it’s sure to increase your pleasure and make sex a great experience again. It also helps to retain blood in the shaft, thus helping your partner to last longer in bed.

Find it here.

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Penis Bumper Toys

Penis Bumper Toys are a great way to increase pleasure in the bedroom. Whether you’re looking for a way to make sex more pleasurable or you’re aiming to prioritize your partner in the bedroom, they are a great way to ensure that sex is enjoyable for every party involved.

Have you ever used one? Do you have a favorite brand? Let us know in the comments!

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